EMR: Usage


AHHS: EMR Diversity

Who will benefit from AHHS service? A diverse group of professionals. The reasonable service cost puts an All-Hands system within reach of even the smallest practice, including:

General practitioners who would like a simple, comprehensive picture of the whole patient;

Surgeons who would like patient health and surgical history quickly accessible;

Specialists who would like a total patient background for diagnosis and treatment options;

Dentists who would like to consult a new patient’s dental history;

Nurses on your team who need a simplified, organized picture of patients on their shift;

Hospitals that need a customized, comprehensive EMR software service for large volume care;

Small practices that need a streamlined EMR service for increased ease and quality of care.

The AHHS service is designed for professional and practical diversity as well, and can be adapted as necessary for data streaming in clinics, laboratories, and pharmacies. We have even begun to adapt our own experience derived from medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, distributing and wholesaling to offer flexible software service solutions to those business subsectors.

AHHS solutions for diverse professional health-care needs, and adaptable business diversification.